Organizing Unique Audiobooks That Are Too Good to Be True | Best Audiobook Service

Our team of highly experienced experts has worked with book writers and authors worldwide to create the best and most-streamed audiobooks that generate excellent revenue and perhaps some of the bestsellers in the audiobook market. An audiobook is a wonderful shared reading experience that gives everyone something to talk about. We provide the ISBN for your audiobook and create the image for your online, downloadable, and CD sales.
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An Audiobook is the Hottest Trend in the Publishing Industry | Hire Best audiobook Service

Audiobook publishing is our passion, and we love making great tales come to life via audio. Our experienced narrators and editors pay tribute to your work by narrating compelling stories that bring your book to life and then sharing it with the rest of the world.

Compatible Audiobooks

Audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular as a result of their convenience and compatibility. Audiences may access audiobooks from anywhere using various mobile apps, websites, and audiobook devices. Production of audiobooks requires voice actors, high-tech studios, and software technologies.

Audiobook Production

Production, audio editing, digital formatting, uploading to online retailers, distribution, promotion, and royalty collection are all handled for you in one place. We’re one of the few audiobook companies that can help you transition from a simple eBook or print edition to an audiobook.

Audiobook Distribution

Online publishing platforms have the lion’s share of the audio market, which makes it crucial to have the audiobook distributed through proper channels after production. Whether you want an exclusive distribution to Audible/iTunes/Amazon through ACX or want to have a non-exclusive distribution, we have you covered.

Pen To Press Publication Writers Packages

Thinking of getting your ideas published while not having to lift a finger? Our team of expert ghostwriters can help! We listen to your ideas, structure them, and provide the excellent results that you’re looking for.


  • High quality audio book with thrilling and engaging sound effects.
  • Lacking any malfunctions or glitches.
  • Collaborative work of our team and client.
  • Collaborative work of our team and client.

Some of Our Published Works

At Pen To Press Publication, we have helped countless authors have their ebooks published and have made their words accessible all across the globe. We assure you to publish
your work on renowned platforms such as Amazon, Kindle, CreateSpace, etc.Many of our published books have captured the bestselling spots; yours can be the next, too!

100% Original, 100% Stress-Free.

Take your ghostwriting project to a whole new level with Pen To Press Publication

Good content is appreciated by readers of all fields and creating good content requires extensive research and expert vocabulary..

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Let us shape your ideas into the best-selling books

Industry-Specific Ghostwriting Services with Excellence

Hire our ghost writers to make your dream come true. You are just one call away from being a renowned author. You may be the next best-selling writer of the year


Examining & Drafting Outline

We try to understand your concept and demands and devise a plot plan after really thoroughly conducted research.


Authentic Content
Based On Your Opinion

Once you accept the plot plan, the ghostwriter will commence writing original content respective to your idea.


Analytical Review,
Editing, & Proofreading

Our Ghostwriters keep editing the draft to keep up with your requirement once our editors finalize the content.


Designing, Formatting,
& Typesetting

Just as the book is written, edited, and proofread, the finalized print is delivered to the client for its approval.


Final Delivery &

Every book is delivered on time to ensure client satisfaction. We provide unlimited revisions so you receive what you desire.


Final Delivery &

Every book is delivered on time to ensure client satisfaction. We provide unlimited revisions so you receive what you desire.

Our Awards

Our expertise has helped us win many awards over the years

Critical Acclaim

You would have seen
us on:

Client Testimonials

– Our clients trust us with their dreams and we turn them into a solid reality –
– Hear it from our clients –

We have successfully developed content for multiple industries

Our in-house staff includes industry insiders with former positions at Literary Review and Big-Five publishing houses, including Random House, HarperCollins, Wiley, and Simon and Schuster. We’ve already touched 1.3 million lives with our books. Our success rate speaks for itself. If you collaborate with us, you WILL end up with a finished book that can make a difference in thousands of lives.

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Top Audiobook Service Experience | Pen to Press Publication

When it comes to providing the best audiobook service, Pen To Press Publication is the clear leader. Our team of skilled narrators and sound engineers, with their expertise and dedication, works hard to turn your written stories into exciting audio adventures. We make custom solutions for authors who want more people to read their books or for publishers who want high-quality audio versions that will appeal to a wide range of people. We use professional-grade equipment in our state-of-the-art studios to record every audiobook so that it meets the highest standards of clarity and immersion. Give us your story, and we’ll bring it to life with what we think is the best and cheapest audiobook service out there.

Best Audiobook Service

Discover The Best Audio Book Service For You

It can be hard to find the best and cheapest audiobook service, but Pen To Press Publication makes it easy! As part of the whole process of making an audiobook, we offer a variety of services, such as consultation, script adaptation, voice casting, and post-production. Our skilled workers are aware of how fragile these projects are, so they take great care with each one and make sure nothing goes wrong during the production phase. When you use our best audiobook service, you can expect prompt communication, quick service delivery, and, most importantly, results that are out of this world. Why not give us a try today and connect with listeners like never before? This will help you find new opportunities in this huge market.

Cheapest and Best Audiobook Service Without Any Compromise On Quality

Best Audiobook Service

Pen To Press Publication believes that it shouldn’t cost a lot of money to make good audiobooks. Because of this, we’ve come up with something that might be one of the cheapest and best audiobook service but is also very good quality. Because we know that time is money, we’ve made sure that everything is set up to be fast and efficient at all times, from the beginning to the end, including editing and other tasks. So, even new writers or publishers with small budgets can still use our best audiobook service, even if they don’t have a lot of money. Take advantage of what might be one of the cheapest audiobook services in the world and get ready for some mind-blowing stuff. Where else do people turn pages with their ears?

Cheapest Audiobook Service Ever | Best Audiobook Service

We believe that good audiobooks should be made without charging a lot of money. Pen To Press Publication makes best audiobook service available to everyone at a price they can afford. We have made our processes more efficient so that we can save money without lowering the quality of what we do. Our team of experts works closely with every client, no matter how big or small the company is. This way, we can make sure that everyone gets the same level of professional care during the whole production process. All of our recordings sound great, even though Pen To Press Publication charges less than many other companies. You will get good value for your money here.