Increase Chances of Success With Our Video Book Trailer Services

Reading an advertisement can be boring, but a visual representation can capture attention in the first three seconds. All it takes is the first three seconds to sell a book and turn a visitor into a potential customer. Place your order today and get your book’s trailer designed by our talented designers to bring your book to life and let the audience experience the visual representation of your book.
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What’s Included in Our Video Book Trailer Services

An impressive video book trailer helps a writer achieve multiple aims. A striking book video trailer builds hype for the audience and helps achieve the maxim sales of the book.

Video Script | Video Book Trailer Services

Our production team writes scripts for the video book trailer services to share the idea with the client. A script embodies the idea, pitch, and short brief of the book to build anxiousness among the readers.

Video Production | Video Book Trailer Services

After finalizing the script, the video production team creates the video as per the script. Video production service includes animation, a shoot of the scene, voice-over, and copywriting.


Trailer Publication | Video Book Trailer Services

We publish the video trailers on suitable online platforms to build awareness of the coming book. Our expert publishers target readers who are always willing to read new books as per their behaviour and interests.

Pen To Press Publication Writers Packages

Thinking of getting your ideas published while not having to lift a finger? Our team of expert ghostwriters can help! We listen to your ideas, structure them, and provide the excellent results that you’re looking for.


  • Designing, production and running of an engaging video book trailer.
  • High quality images along with HD footage.


  • Designing, production and adverting of a unique and appealing video book trailer.
  • Trailer will be in HD footage completely.
  • Consultation sessions with the client to produce and deliver optimum result.

Some of Our Published Works

At Pen To Press Publication, we have helped countless authors have their ebooks published and have made their words accessible all across the globe. We assure you to publish
your work on renowned platforms such as Amazon, Kindle, CreateSpace, etc.Many of our published books have captured the bestselling spots; yours can be the next, too!

100% Original, 100% Stress-Free.

Take your ghostwriting project to a whole new level with Pen To Press Publication

Good content is appreciated by readers of all fields and creating good content requires extensive research and expert vocabulary..

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Let us shape your ideas into the best-selling books

Industry-Specific Ghostwriting Services with Excellence

Hire our ghost writers to make your dream come true. You are just one call away from being a renowned author. You may be the next best-selling writer of the year


Examining & Drafting Outline

We try to understand your concept and demands and devise a plot plan after really thoroughly conducted research.


Authentic Content
Based On Your Opinion

Once you accept the plot plan, the ghostwriter will commence writing original content respective to your idea.


Analytical Review,
Editing, & Proofreading

Our Ghostwriters keep editing the draft to keep up with your requirement once our editors finalize the content.


Designing, Formatting,
& Typesetting

Just as the book is written, edited, and proofread, the finalized print is delivered to the client for its approval.


Final Delivery &

Every book is delivered on time to ensure client satisfaction. We provide unlimited revisions so you receive what you desire.


Final Delivery &

Every book is delivered on time to ensure client satisfaction. We provide unlimited revisions so you receive what you desire.

Our Awards

Our expertise has helped us win many awards over the years

Critical Acclaim

You would have seen
us on:

Client Testimonials

– Our clients trust us with their dreams and we turn them into a solid reality –
– Hear it from our clients –

We have successfully developed content for multiple industries

Our in-house staff includes industry insiders with former positions at Literary Review and Big-Five publishing houses, including Random House, HarperCollins, Wiley, and Simon and Schuster. We’ve already touched 1.3 million lives with our books. Our success rate speaks for itself. If you collaborate with us, you WILL end up with a finished book that can make a difference in thousands of lives.

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Video Book Trailer Services | Pen To Press Publication

Welcome to Video Book Trailer Services from Pen to Press Publication. Here, captivating and lively video book trailer services bring your stories to life. Our goal is to make your book marketing even better by giving your readers a visual experience that speaks volumes about your story and makes them want more. With our help, anyone can be an author, and we have the best people to make a book trailer that people will remember.

Video Book Trailer Services

Professional Video Book Trailer Services

Pen to Press Publication makes beautiful video book trailers that show what your book is about and how it makes you feel. Video book trailer services is a powerful piece of advertising that uses music, video clips, and voice-overs to give people a taste of what’s in your hardback. As a company, we want to help our customers express their ideas through visually stunning videos. Because of this, we use cutting-edge technologies and creative ways to tell stories to make trailers that are not only fun but also get people excited about a new book. By using important parts of the plot, the characters, and the setting in this way, we can show viewers what kinds of unique experiences they can expect from reading this book.

Video Book Trailer Services | Animated Book Trailer

Video Book Trailer Services

Our video book trailer services are available to all authors, no matter what kind of books they write. Pen To Press Publications helps people understand that every piece of writing has its unique style that shows how it is different from other works. Focusing on only the ideas that will help structure a good script or storyboard according to the client’s vision is another useful skill when working on these kinds of projects. This will help the client’s dream come true. Even things like voice-over animation choice editing are something we can take care of and make sure it’s done right. So that your literary work can shine like the sun, our company will make you a video book trailer services that is better than you could have imagined.

Animated Book Trailer | Video Book Trailer Services

For more than just video book trailer services, Pen to Press Publication also has animated book trailers that will make your video promoting your novel stand out. This kind of book trailer brings scenes and characters to life with the help of visual effects and bright animations. It’s especially true for fantasy, science fiction, and books for kids, where using your imagination is right. To put it another way, our animators work nonstop to create a moving picture that tells your story. Animated scenes can make it easier to show complicated and otherworldly details that would be hard to do with real-life footage. So, if you choose an animated book trailer from Pen To Press Publications, you’re not only getting a marketing tool but also a creative way to tell a story that will appeal to kids who are watching with their parents.

Using Pen to Press Publication’s Video Book Trailer Services is the best way to market and launch your book. Because we have a lot of experience making videos, we can make trailers for your books that will not only get people interested in them but also move them. You can choose a simple video book trailer or an animated one. We promise that every product our company makes will be of high quality and show how creative we are. Let us tell your story in the most interesting way possible. Get in touch with us right away to start making a video book trailer that will make your book an unforgettable visual experience.